Tipton DeMolay Chapter Officers
Front Row L-R Connor Leland Senior Deacon, Julio Manguiob Junior Steward, Judd Fontanilla Master Councilor,     Jax Fontanilla Senior Councilor, Jeremiah Minton Almoner, Nathan Kerlin, Deputy State Master Councilor
Back Row L-R:  Evan Zimbelman Ilustrious Knight Commander of TD Harden Priory, Aaron Barawid Past Master Councilor, Tre Miller Junior Deacon, Alex Hanson Past Master Councilor, Seth Williams Past Master Councilor 
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                                                                                     Squire Manor Left to Right
1st row, Declan Leland, Mikey Schaefer
2nd row, Kieran Leland, Chaplain, Billy Paeth, Marshal, Brycen Pannell, Master Squire, Eliott Williams, Senior Squire, Olen Weir, Junior Squire, Colton Spurlock
3rd row, Aaron Malone
4th row, Connor Leland Squire Mentor